Computer Music Works Selected and Performed by WOCMAT 2020 Concert Composers 入選音樂會作曲家
- Yuting Wu: Viruses
- Juan Carlos Gomez: Mono no Aware
- Julius T Bucsis: The Burgeoning of Vibrancy; The Perpetuation of the Remembered
- Shuyu Lin: Dimness (归去来兮)
- 敬 晓亲:Evil
- Chi Wang: Qin
- Zhang kewanchen: Memory of Two Cities
- 余 ⾦桥:材质
- Neil Rolnick: the guitar
- Shuoyi Li: 笑傲江湖
- Xu Xiaobo: The Ode of the Autumn River
- Francesco Bossi: Wocmat_1; Swallows
- Wang Xiaoxuan: Chess Charm 2
- Antonio D'Amato: Radiating out of the dark infinitude of available vibrations
- 吴⽂钊:Nanchuan·Words of Wind Chimes
- Clarence Barlow: Coronialus
- 杨维佳:雷雨--为缅怀2020年澳洲火灾而作
- 鄧鳳、杨维佳:凤舞长鸾
- Huang Yuelin: Absurdism;
- 楊孝慈:細漢時拵;能量音樂