2020國際電腦音樂與音訊 技術研討會
2020 WOCMAT 16th International Workshop on Computer Music and Audio Technology
16th International Workshop on Computer Music and Audio Technology

本屆第十六屆WOCMAT 2020國際研討會由文化大學科技藝術碩士學位學程與開南大學健康學院共同主辦,透過電腦音樂與音訊技術多元結合與發表為重要主軸的國際型研討會議,加上由科技與藝術界的學者與專業人士共同參與,以期吸引各界的專家學者與學生知識份子共襄盛舉,期間同時發表論文、電腦音樂、數位流行音樂展演、與科技藝術展演。由文化大學科技藝術研究所主辦,以主導音樂徵集與展演活動,並主導論文徵集與審核發表,會議日期為2020年12月26至27日。邀請國際電腦音樂貴賓於線場視訊演講,包括法國Prof. Marc Battier巴替耶教授、日本Naotoshi Osaka (小板直敏) 教授、美國Ken Paoli (坎培歐里) 教授、法國IRCAM電腦音訊與音樂研究中心研究員Axel Roebel...等人。WOCMAT 2020國際研討會與音樂會感謝客家委員會與科技部計畫的支持,將以音樂科技、AI人工智慧音樂、智能音樂治療、聲景、歌聲合成虛擬歌手、自動演奏鋼琴、數位流行音樂等議題,同時以各類音樂科技講座與電腦音樂會同時並行。
音樂家方面,包括邀請我國最知名的笛簫演奏名家陳中申、大提琴家孫小媚教授、MIDI鍵盤演奏名家蔡旭峰整合自動演奏鋼琴、小提琴家毛宇涵老師...等人為WOCMAT 2020現場演出。電腦音樂作曲家包括曾興魁教授、台灣電腦音樂教父Phil Winsor教授、黃志方教授、曾毓忠教授...等人,以及所有入選作品於C-LAB台灣聲響實驗室現場發表。歡迎有興趣參加的朋友們,盡快於WOCMAT 2020官網報名填寫姓名、手機號碼,即可免費參加,名額有限!
The 16th WOCMAT 2020 International Workshop on Computer Music and Audio Technology Conference is organized by the Master Program of Arts and Technology at Chinese Cultural University and Kainan University. It is an international conference that uses the diversified combination of computer music and audio technology and publication as an important main axis. Participate with professionals in order to attract experts, scholars and student intellectuals from all walks of life to participate in the grand event. During the period, they will publish papers, computer music, digital pop music performances, and technology art performances. Sponsored by the Master Program of Arts and Technology at Chinese Cultural University, it will lead the collection and performance of music, and lead the collection and review of papers. The conference date is December 26-27, 2020.
此屆WOCMAT 2020邀請當今國際間資歷與聲望極高的學者參與現場視訊會議,不受COVID-19肺炎影響,擔任講者。透過中國文化大學 2020 WOCMAT Conference 第十六屆國際電腦音樂與音訊技術研討會的場地,主辦人工智慧音樂科技展演音樂會,希望可為數位流行音樂科技充分結合,經過專業音樂科技探討與論文、作品發表,一方面讓台灣的音樂科技能量可以有個機會在國際上發聲;另一方面則可透過眾多此領域專業人士的互相討論與激盪,使得我們對於電腦音樂、音樂科技方面之發展可以從最基礎的研究,到各種產業與展演之應用,有個良好的刺激作用,並建立與全世界重要相關社群的連結關係,對於未來我國科技與藝術整合發展將有不小的助益。
This year of WOCMAT 2020 invites scholars with high international qualifications and prestige to participate in the live video conference, and are not affected by COVID-19 pneumonia as speakers. Through the venue of the 16th International WOCMAT Conference at Chinese Culture University, we will host artificial intelligence music technology exhibition concerts, hoping to fully integrate Taiwan's culture and digital pop music technology, through professional music technology discussions and The publication of theses and works, on the one hand, allows Taiwan's music technology energy to have an opportunity to speak internationally; on the other hand, through discussions and excitement among many professionals in this field, we can make our progress in computer music and music technology. From the most basic research to the application of various industries and performances, it has a good stimulating effect, and establishes a connection with important related communities around the world, which will be of great help to the integrated development of Taiwan's technology and art in the future .
本屆 WOCMAT 將從眾多電子音樂作品以及音訊論文中徵選作品,於活動當天展演發表。即將邀請多位當今國際間資歷與聲望極高的電腦音樂、音景創作、音樂科技以及音訊處理學者參與網路視訊講座,包括法國Prof. Marc Battier巴替耶教授、日本Naotoshi Osaka (小板直敏) 教授、美國Ken Paoli (坎培歐里) 教授,以及法國IRCAM研究中心工程師Axel Roebel一同來共襄盛舉,本屆之WOCMAT活動將會是是一場國際性電子音樂界之盛事。
This year's WOCMAT will select papers and works from numerous electronic music works and audio essays, which will be displayed and published on the day of the event. Many internationally qualified and prestigious scholars in computer music, soundscapes creation, music technology and audio processing will soon be invited to participate in the on-line lectures, including Professor Marc Battier from France, Professor Naotoshi Osaka from Japan, Professor Ken Paoli from the United States and Axel Roebel, an engineer from the French IRCAM Research Center, joined the event. The WOCMAT conference this year will be an international event in the electronic music industry.
C-LAB 臺灣聲響實驗室
This International Conference is hosted by
the Master Program of Arts and Technology at Chinese Cultural University and Kainan University. It
will combine music, audio technology and multimedia visual comprehensive
performance. The co-organizers include the following:
C-LAB Taiwan Sound Lab
School of Health Industry
Management, Kainan University,
National Tsing Hua University Music Technology
and Health Research Center,
National Central University Innovation AI Research
Taiwan Computer Music Association (TCMA),
Senzoku Gakuen College of
Department of Music Technology of School of Music at Shanghai Normal University,
School of Music University of Jinan
December 26, Saturday, 2020 / 19:30-21:00
December 27, Sunday, 2020 / 19:00-20:00